Letter to Susun,
By being who you are, it gives other women "permission"
to live and be beautiful in their own way. Thank you. Having recently
read your books and seen your metapause video, I am blown away. Because
all the quiet but powerful thoughts, beliefs, feelings etc that I have
had for years are suddenly validated as real and not "on the fringes".
AT 50 my menopause stage now is one of
isolation bordering on meltdown. Tho there are rough spots, it is the
best, most promising time of my life. It is so liberating to know that
what I have been going through is not odd. I have
no one I can speak to about any of this, so finding out about your work
has been a divine gift and loving proof that the universe has many ways
of nurturing us. We can trust in provision.
Many thanks, you are a beautiful person.
You are a testimonial to the fact that women at our age can be young,
healthy, beautiful and alive looking and being. The power contained
in your work of art - yourself- is awesome!
"Green sources of calcium are the best. Nourishing
herbs and garden weeds are far richer in minerals than ordinary
greens, which are already exceptional sources of nutrients...But
calcium from green sources alone is not enough. We need calcium
from white sources as well. Add a quart of yogurt a week to your
diet if you want really healthy bones." pp.28-29
Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
The Wise Woman Tradition is accessible Herbalism that is the “people's medicine,” not requiring experts to give us the advice and information we need. ...
WiseWomanRadio.com with host Susun Weed
30 minute interviews on-demand or download MP3
Please add me to your mailing list.
Your site is incredible! So informative and inspiring! Thank you for
the time and energy it takes to maintain it so that we can all share
the knowledge! I was blessed to be guided to it today and have sent
a link to my friends....it is powerful work that you do.
Namaste, Jan
"For more than a million years Wise
Woman have used herbs--gathered, eaten, tended, loved herbs--and taught
their daughters the wisdom of herbs in the childbearing year."
"Making your own medicines saves you money if
you follow the Wise Woman Tradition of using local herbs, free for the
taking. Even one day's work in field, forest, and kitchen can provide
you with many years' worth of medicines. When you make your own, you
know for sure what's in it, where it came from, when and how it was
harvested, and how fresh and potent it is." p. 121, Herbal Pharmacy
Free Online Education Learn to listen
to your body, and the plant spirits, and the green goddess mother
earth herself. Discover herbal medicine and spirit healing with Susun
Weed. Use this information to become self-empowered; reclaim your
personal power through knowledge and action. Remember the ways of
the Wise Woman; help us to reweave the healing cloak of the ancients!
YES, I want to learn more now.
Susun Weed's "It's Time"
Wise Woman Center
25th Anniversary Celebration CD GODDESS CHANTS CD
Visit www.goddesschants.com
to hear all the songs, read lyrics
learn about the artists
is an everyday miracle.
The benefits of including seaweed's optimum nourishment into your
daily diet are extensive: increased longevity, enhanced immune
functioning, revitalization of the cardiovascular, endocrine,
digestive, and nervous systems, and relief from minor aches and
pains. Health benefits from a wise woman alliance with seaweed
include glossier hair, more luminous skin, less digestive distress,
renewed energy and stamina, rekindled sexual desires, and reawakened
delight in life.
"I am grateful for eating
weeds, and I love cooking at the Wise Woman Center because the
plants are truly loved and honored; I know we taste it in the
food made from them. Food and eating are of supreme importance
to our health on every level, and to the health of our cultures
and our planet." ~ Marie
Wise Woman Tradition encourages us to work towards good
health from the inside out. And it helps us to remember that our
healing choices influence not only ourselves but the entire planet.
just read your article regarding the differences between the Scientific,
Heroic and Wise Woman healing traditions, I suddenly understand
something more about myself. I've often adhered to the thinking
of the heroic tradition, blaming myself, my thoughts, feeling
myself pathetic for not rising above mere physical illness. But
my heart always told me something different. It is the reason
why I love to nourish my family, spend time simply touching the
plants in my herb garden, or breathing in the night air. Health
is so much more than an absence of disease. I
feel as if you've just given me permission to live as my heart
tells me to. Thank you Susun. ~ Crystal
"Now the time has come for us to recognize
this invisible thread woven into our lives, this common thread that
runs from our earliest foremothers to us, this thread of love and
nurturance that can lead us out of the maze of planetary destruction,
war and self-hatred." Susun Weed
Let it in, let it go, round and round we flow
Weaving the web of women
Let it in, let it go, round and round we flow
Weaving the web of life
April 30: Woodland Wonders: Meet ramps, coptis, dwarf ginseng, bloodroot, hepatica and more.
May 1: Spring Tonics: Make nettle soup and a wild salad; find brassicas, alliums, sweet birch
May 21: Lyme: Prevention and help with poke, Hypericum, teasel, knotweed and more clover
May 22: Herbs in Your Garden Hands-on: Best herbs to plant; best weeds to "cultivate" (free plants)
June 11: Herbal Pain Relief: CBD, skullcap, poppies, St. Joan's wort, arnica, meditation, sweet clover
June 12: Anti-inflammatory Herbs: Soothing, cooling allies including linden, ginger, turmeric, willow
August 20: Holy Ferment Hands-on: Taste and make herbal wines, lacto-fermented sauerkraut, yogurt, moree
August 21: The Great Remedies Hands-on: Identify, harvest, prepare and use the greatest herbal remedies.
September 24: Mind Bending Plants Hands-ON: Magic mushrooms, psychedelic mints, deadly nightshades
September 25: Magical Plants Hands-On: Visionary herbs, pillows, flying oils, love potions
October 8: Seeds & Roots Hands-on: Amaranth, lamb's quarter, plantain, burdock, yellow dock, lots moree
October 9: Adaptogens Hands-on: Think better, live longer, feel great, adopt adaptogens
These day-long workshops, run from 10 am to 5 pm, are taught outside among the plants. Includes talking stick ceremony, a weed walk, wild-food lunch, and instruction.
Please register by mail with a $25 deposit
and remember to give us your address or
fax number so we can confirm your place in
class and send you a map of our location.
Any day, any time. Five hours: $500. In answer to your requests: a private five-hour day
with me, at my house or yours. Enjoy the day of your dreams with up to four friends: a private consultation, a shamanic trance, a weed walk, or whatever you wish . . .
Moonlodge gatherings are free
and open to women of all ages. No need
to register; arrive between 6:45 and 7:15pm.
We sing, dance, pass the talking stick and
honor womens wisdom. We will fax directions
and local accommodation list if you call
a week ahead and leave a message
on the answering machine
Please, No last minute calls!!
You will learn about: herbal medicines you can grow or find, wild foods,
natural ways of being healthy, and green witch secrets! Explore Wise
Woman Ways for natural pregnancy,childbearing, breast health, and menopause.
Share alternative medicine remedies for women's health and wellbeing.
this month's issue Hot off the Press!!
Herbal Medicine and Women's Spirituality
PO Box 64 Woodstock NY 12498 ~ phone/fax:
“You are brilliant, provocative, wild, sensual,
and crazy.
My favorite qualities in a woman!”
Moonlodges, work/learn days, and work days are free.
Register via mail or online at www.wisewomanbookshop.com
Indented events are Weed’s workshops
away from home.
Please contact sponsors for info.
All other events are at the Wise Woman Center.
April 2: Story-telling Circle at the Virtual Women's Wellness Series; contact herbwomen@gmail.com
April 19: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Early Spring Group begins (application required)
April 23-24: Work-exchange Weekend
April 29: Moonlodge
April 30: Woodland Wonders: Meet ramps, coptis, dwarf ginseng, bloodroot, hepatica and more.
May 1: Spring Tonics: Make nettle soup and a wild salad; find brassicas, alliums, sweet birch
contact sponsors for further details and to register
May 27-29: Midwest Women's Herbal Conference - in person - www.midwestwomensherbal.com Sept 9-11: Goddess Festival with Z Budapest, La Honda, CA - www.goddess-fest.com October 15 - West Virginia herb conference - Contact: barb@withthespiritofthehorse.com