All One Day Intensives take place at the Wise Women Center, Woodstock, NY
April 20: Woodland Wonders Hands-on:
Meet ramps, coptis, dwarf ginseng, bloodroot, hepatica, and more
April 21:Spring Tonics Hands-on:
Make nettle soup and a wild salad; find brassicas, alliums, sweet birch
"The lessons you've given me will be my companions forever."
May 18: Herbal Pain Relief:
Ally with cannabis, skullcap, poppies, St. Joan’s wort, arnica, sweet clover
May 19: Your Herbal Garden Hands-on:
Best herbs to grow, best weeds to “cultivate,” free herbs for you to plant
"You are a wonderful teacher and an incredible example."
June 15: Magical Plants Hands-on:
Visionary herbs, dream pillows, flying oils, love potions
June 16: The Great Remedies Hands-on:
Identify, harvest, prepare and use the herbal remedies that top my list
"You opened a grounded, ancient, wise, visionary, magical world to me."
August 24: Herbal First Aid Hands-on:
Stings, tick bites, cuts and scrapes, aches and pains, even allergies, are easily and effectively remedied with the aid of plantain, yarrow, calendula, Hypericum, and other green allies
August 25: Adaptogens Hands-on:
Think better, live longer, feel great, adopt adaptogens
"The simplicity of your approach is amazing and empowering."
September 21: Mind Bending Plants Hands-ON:
Magic mushrooms, psychedelic mints, deadly nightshades.
September 22: Menopause 101 Hands-on:
Make a remedy to aid you and learn a lot to help you Change
"I continue to relish the special communion I felt in that amazing circle of Wise Women."
October 19: Winter Ready Hands-on:
Counter coughs, ward off colds and flu, protect yourself with green blessings
October 20: Seeds & Roots Hands-on:
Harvest and enjoy amaranth, lamb’s quarter, plantain, and other seeds; burdock, yellow dock, dandelion, chicory, and other roots
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