Agreement of one to the other
Course: Act of moving,
Correspondence Course:
Agreement to move naturally together
I offer five different correspondence courses designed to support you in exploring healing and herbal medicine from the wise woman perspective. (Scroll down for course descriptions.)
Each course consists of projects— experiences, experiments, and assignments — that you complete at your own pace, in your own time, as you wish. Four of the courses have 26 projects; one course has 52 projects.
You are free to do your course your way, as your life allows/demands. There is never any time pressure or any time limit on your course. You are a student for as long as you want to be. There is no requirement to send in lessons or to report to me, except as you desire.
When you register, you will immediately receive access to all projects via an electronic version of the course, emailed to you. Within 2-4 weeks, you will receive your physical project booklet and your welcome gifts.
Each student receives ongoing personal support, including:
* 3 hours of personal time with me by phone, zoom, or mail (Access to the first hour of your time after $150 is paid.)
* Bi-weekly zoom meetings
* Recommendations for choosing supplemental materials
Each course includes a basket of gifts that you can unlock with keys and stars. Keys are earned by making payments. Stars are earned by completing actions. One use per star or key. Earn more as you learn more.
Your gift basket:
* DVDs and CDs |
First one is 1 key + 5 stars per item; further ones = 10 stars |
* MP3's. |
First one is 1 key + 5 stars per item; further ones = 5 stars |
* PDF versions of Susun Weed books. |
First one is 1 key + 10 stars per item; further ones = 20 stars |
* A free year of basic mentorship access. |
1 key + 10 stars; further years = 50 stars |
* 25% discount at wisewomanbookshop.com (one order). |
1 key + 10 stars |
* In-person study at the Wise Woman Center |
Day-long workshops = 2 keys + 30 stars for the first; further ones for 50 stars.
Other events = 2 keys, plus 50 stars for each day. |
* Video courses |
1 key + 5 stars per $10 of cost. ($99 course is + 50 stars) |
* A year of "Easy Herbal Medicine video course" |
2 keys + 30 stars |
* A completion certificate (Ok to reuse keys and stars for this gift) |
10 keys + at least 100 stars |
Your first payment of $50 is 2 keys.
Every further payment is 1 key.
If you pay in full at once, you receive a 2 key bonus
Stars: You receive 1 star for any of these actions:
* Send me a small color photo
* Send me a letter about yourself
* Complete a project star. Each course offers opportunities to gather over 100 stars.
* Come to a zoom meeting
* Write to me or speak with me
You are responsible for keeping track of your stars.
of Herbalism is a double-length course that guides you in the wise use of more than four dozen herbs. You'll make teas, infusions, tinctures, vinegars, oils, honeys, poultices, soups, and beauty aids. You'll learn how to use herbs to build powerful immunity, boost nutrition, increase energy, and help ease problems of menopause, menstruation, asthma, allergies, cancer, headaches, heart disease, joint pain, obesity, sleep problems, more. You will develop a relationship with a green ally. 52 projects. ~ Total cost $550 Click here to register for the ABCs of Herbalism correspondence course
Witch course is designed to draw out and empower your own healing and magical abilities. Your personal development will expand swiftly and deeply during our time together. This course is designed primarily for personal growth. It nourishes your connections with plants and the planet, with your inner guidance and ancestor wisdom. Students of herbal/alternative/ energy medicine find it highly beneficial.
26 projects. Total cost $450
Click here to register for the Green Witch correspondence course.
Ally is an invitation to explore herbal medicine and the green nations (plants) realistically – through hands-on field work – and fantastically – through trances and shamanic journeys to the hidden realms of the devas and fairies. Your skills in botany, nomenclature, pharmacy, and gardening will be nurtured through focused work with a green ally of your choice. Your investigations and experiments with your green ally will provide you with a thorough understanding of how to find, grow, prepare, and use the wealth of herbal medicines around you.
26 projects. Total cost $450
Click here to register for the Green Ally correspondence course
& Practice of the Wise Woman Tradition helps you develop the skills you'll need to provide high quality wellbeing and optimum healing options for yourself, your family, and your clients/friends. You will learn how to make best use of the Three Traditions of Healing, develop skills in all Seven Medicines, and deepen your herbal knowledge and intuitive knowing. This course supports your desire to open a healing center, a clinic, or a practice.
26 projects. Total cost $450
Click here to register for the Spirit and Practice correspondence course
Sharing People's Medicine provides support and encouragement as you share your delight in the effective, simple herbal remedies you know and use. There is no set curriculum for sharing People's Medicine and no certification process. Anyone can do it and no license is needed. This course helps you develop skills for maximizing your pleasure in introducing others to the magic, mystery, and medicine of green blessings. You'll be supported as you lead a weed walk, start an herb group, write about herbs, teach classes, host a plant exchange, strengthen your self-confidence in sharing people's medicine, and much more.
26 projects. Total cost $450
Click here to register for the Sharing People's Medicine correspondence course
You have two options for registration:
Pay in
full at once : My "Thank You"
is a coupon for 10% discount on further correspondence
courses, extra books, or tapes. Register
online or via mail.
If you pay for your course in full, you may choose your audio/visual materials as soon as you wish. Your welcome packet will include your class discount card (50% off any three days) and a 10% discount card good on any one purchase of further books, tapes, and/or correspondence courses.
in easy installments :
monthly payment of $50 each, by credit card at www.wisewomanschool.com,
or by check or money order via mail.
If you are paying in monthly installments, you will receive your PDF books, herbals (for ABC students only), audio/visual materials, special gifts, and three hours of talk/write time with Susun after a certain amount of payments, see above.
The value of each course far exceeds its small price
To begin corresponding with Susun, write to her at:
SUSUN S. WEED - PO Box 64, Woodstock, NY 12498
Email: susunweed@herbshealing.com
Send me a letter and include your name, address, phone
number, name of the course you want, and a check or money order
for your $50. (You'll pay $50 month until paid.) Or, pay in
full and we'll send you a discount card good for a 10% off any
further correspondence courses, books, or tapes.
Or, sign up for recurring billing online -- www.wisewomanschool.com
Correspondence Course Refund and Exchange Policy:
There is a $25 exchange fee if you decide to switch courses (60 day limit).
There is a $50 cancellation fee - non negotiable. (30 day limit) |
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getting started on your course

Getting Started on Your Correspondence Course
To get started on an adventure in learning with Susun Weed
* Pay in full, online at www.wisewomanschool.com, or by paypal, or send a check or money order to Susun Weed, PO Box 64, Woodstock NY 12498
* Pay $50 to start your course, online at www.wisewomanschool.com where you may choose automatic billing to your credit card, or pay via paypal, or send a check or money order to Susun Weed, PO Box 64, Woodstock NY 12498.
Not yet ready to commit?
* Send $10 to receive descriptions of all courses, booklists for every course, and list of the audio/visual choices.
Register by mail:
Send me a letter and include your name, address,
phone number, name of the course you want, and a check or
money order for your $50. (You'll pay $50 month until paid.)
Or, pay in full and we'll send you a discount card good for
a 10% off any further correspondence courses, books, or tapes.
POBox 64, Woodstock, NY 12498
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here to learn about Susun's new course, ABC's of Herbalism
