December 2002 ~ Volume 2 Number 12 |
Wise Woman Feature...
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Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way,
http://www.ancientsky.com/ The consciousness of the ancients is recreated through the scholarly works of various astrological writers. Learn about the poetic connection between the myths and the constellations. View the night sky with the special reverence of antiquity. Claire-France Perez, author and astrologer, presents the Ancient Sky.
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is the mother of two daughters, an author, a regular writer for “Witchcraft”
Magazine Australia and a teacher of Women’s Mysteries and Wisecraft.
She is committed to reclaiming Menarche, Menstruation, Motherhood and
Menopause as more than just biological experiences, for all women and
their daughters. Her website has information on her first book, “Moon
Rites - ritual myth and magic for the modern moon goddess”
, some of her favourite links, and will soon have simple rituals you can
use to enhance your female journey and hopefully much more. It’s
expanding all the time, so do come for a visit! |
Breast Wishes Institute - Created by Mary Olsen Kelly, a breast cancer survivor, Breast Wishes Institute shares the information Mary looked for and had a hard time finding and learning. It has personal stories, told straight and to the point. It provides tips, tools, helpful recipes and household hints from other women about how they managed to survive the ordeal of breast cancer treatment. Mary says, “Please enjoy these tools, tips, recipes, and stories. I sincerely hope they will help you to prepare yourself for your medical journey and help your friends and family who are already on it.“ |
Women of Vision and Action is sponsoring a historic week-long event beginning March 3, 2003. The week will culminate on March 8 with locally sponsored Gather the Women events around the world. We all know that humanity needs healing and we believe that healing will come about when the masculine and feminine energies on the planet are brought into balance. In gathering, we women are setting the stage to reawaken the divine feminine and generate the healing energy needed to support and empower all women to speak out and to take the collaborative actions necessary to create a balanced, harmonious and peaceful world. In this Sacred Global Retreat we will connect with one another, feel our own innate power and initiate collective actions worldwide to bring the planet into harmony and balance. From this gathering positive action will flow and everyone will benefit from the healing power of our unique expressions. The site includes a list of daily activities to help women prepare internally and energetically for the Gather the Women event on March 8; ideas on how you can volunteer your time and resources to the event; a Resources section; and some inspiring quotes from women around the world. | ||||||
Earth Wisdom Teachings provides sacred space for women and men to rediscover their inner wisdom and wise-healer within. Based upon the Wise Woman Tradition of healing and indigenous teachings of North America, EWT helps support individuals in the process of embracing their true voice and personal power. Blade is a Wise Woman, shaman, certified herbalist and founder of EWT. She has completed apprenticeships with Susun Weed and Creek/Seminole shaman, Puma Renya de Luna. Blade has been initiated as a warrior and shaman and is an adopted member of the Fox/Bird clan. EWT offers workshop, plant walks, ceremony, herbal consultations, spiritual-counseling and apprenticeships. | ||||||
Purple Coneflower Herbals offers a select line of high quality herbal extracts, hand-crafted in sacred tradition in Vermont since 1989. The plant material used in our extracts is meticulously sourced from quality organic, biodynamic and responsibly wildcrafted botanicals, assuring a pure, vibrant product. We work consciously with the spirits of the plants, in a context of deep respect for the connectedness of all life, so that the healing benefits of the herbs are fully imparted in the extracts. We are a small, herbalist owned and operated company offering personal, responsive service. Blessings, Annie McCleary, herbalist and owner. | |||||
http://www.seniorresource.com/ is a comprehensive, informational site defining and explaining traditional and leading-edge senior lifestyle options, related services, estate planning, insurance and product information. Our staff has more than 13 years consulting expertise with companies that provide for seniors. We understand the great value of qualified leads. We are the “E-cyclopedia” of housing options and information for retirement, finance, insurance and care, and a free monthly ezine. | |||||
Brutus of Windhorse Healing Arts & Holistic Academy. If you are interested in redefining your life, making a difference in our world, finding a better path to peace and wholeness, reclaiming your birth-right gifts and learning the sacred metaphysical arts, then you have found your path to home! Brutus of Windhorse Healing Arts and Holistic Academy began with a promise ... a promise made to honor the sanctity of love and life. It is within that conceptual framework that we offer courses that speak of hope, balance, alternative healing modalities, inner strength, knowledge and spirituality. The curriculum embraces various cultures and is an international collage of wisdom. It is our belief that through knowledge comes understanding. Respect and peace, wholeness and enlightenment emerge through this portal. It is within this hologram that the wellspring for enrichment and fulfillment and ultimately for redefining our place in life will manifest. |
Star Source - Explore Easter Island on horseback. Take workshops in the homes of tribal artists. Create friendships with the indigenous women of Rapa Nui. Starsourse is an opportunity for women of North American to come to Easter Island to create friendships with the indigenous women of Rapa Nui. Explore the island on horseback. Visit the Moai. Participate in prayer circles at the ancient village of Orongo and at Terevaka, the highest peak on the island. Meditate in lava cave Ana Kai Tangata. Join our Rapanui sisters in ocean front, full moon gatherings of drumming and singing. Take workshops, in the homes of local artists: mahute weaving, woodcarving, jewelry making, Rapa Nui cooking, Polynesian dancing. This is a unique opportunity experience know Rapa Nui culture, cultivating friendships with the tribal women of the island. March 12-24, 2003. |
MOONCIRCLES This website is the joint project of Dana Gerhardt (a professional astrologer, writer, and student of Buddhism) and Pythia Peay (a spirituality journalist, and student of astrology and Sufism), devoted to rituals and attunements honoring the cycles of the waxing and waning moon. We hope you will regard this space as your space. With the help of many moon lovers, we've seen MoonCircles grow as a cyber lunar temple, with more and more of us connecting to the moon's cycles and keeping attuned to the ever-changing ebb and flow, rise and fall of the times. Living and creating in harmonic rhythm with the moon -- musicians of time -- what magic we can bring! We update the astrological Welcome, Moon Meditations, and Season Teachings at each New Moon and offer a special Meditation for each Full Moon. The day's Moon sign, phase, and aspects are given in Today's Moon. And we invite you to share your own reflections with fellow members in the Talking Circle. If you'd like to receive email notifications of the New and Full Moons, register with us and we'll keep you in the lunar rhythm.
OPTION INSTITUTE - We are the International Learning and Training Center for The Option Process, offering personal growth programs to help people maximize their happiness. What does it mean to be an Exceptional Woman? Exceptional women know who they are and what they have to offer the world. They wake up every morning with energy, passion, and purpose. They are ready to take on the world. Being an Exceptional Woman is not about feminism; it’s about being yourself and being truly comfortable with that. It’s about claiming your place in the world and refusing to settle for an inauthentic life determined by who and what others think you should be. |
Yourself with Corrine Champigny, Singer/Songwriter From ten to ten thousand in attendance, Corrine Champigny has been performing and sharing her unique style of uplifting music world-wide for over ten years. With four CD's to her credit in which she has written all of her own material, Corrine plays her guitar and shares with her audiences all of her journeys in life through her songs. Corrine shares the secrets of her inner Peace, success and happiness through her music. Moreover, what is very unique about Corrine is that she also speaks about her own personal meditation and yoga practices that have changed her life and often inspires her audiences to want to more about how they can make some of the changes in their lives that they have so often contemplated and also often have put off. She also offers and also shares with her audiences the invaluable tools of simple meditation and yoga practices that fit into your busy life! |
Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique Eliminates all types of allergy and related disease. Permanent allergy elimination promises to revolutionize the practice of medicine. The diagnosis of 'hidden' allergies, itself, is not revolutionary. However, the process of allergy desensitization is unique since it allows patients to live symbiotically with food and environmental allergens. Permanent allergy elimination technique retrains the central nervous system to be in contact with the known allergen without causing adverse reactions. Through the process of NAET, we can train our central nervous system to perceive all energies as beneficial to facilitate both energy flow and balance. |
Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional western medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat,cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material on this website/email is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Always check with your personal physician when you have a question pertaining to your health and healthcare. |
Susun Weed’s books: |
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Healing Wise Author: Susun S. Weed. Superb herbal in the feminine-intuitive mode. Complete instructions for using common plants for food, beauty, medicine, and longevity. Introduction by Jean Houston. 312 pages, index, illustrations. Retails for $21.95 Order at: www.wisewomanbookshop.com |
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NEW Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way Author: Susun S. Weed. The best book on menopause is now better. Completely revised with 100 new pages. All the remedies women know and trust plus hundreds of new ones. New sections on thyroid health, fibromyalgia, hairy problems, male menopause, and herbs for women taking hormones. Recommended by Susan Love MD and Christiane Northrup MD. Introduction by Juliette de Bairacli Levy. 304 pages, index, illustrations. Retails for $19.95 Order at: www.wisewomanbookshop.com For excerpts visit: www.menopause-metamorphosis.com |
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For permission to reprint any content on this site, contact us at:
susunweed@herbshealing.com ©
Susun Weed -Wise Woman Center |
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Weed Wanderings is sponsored by: |
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