Weed Wanderings herbal eZine with Susun Weed

December 2004
Anti-Cancer Lifestyle ...
"Moon Days" book review
by Christina Francine

Moon Days : Creative Writing About Menstruation
Cassie Premo Steele, Ph.D.
Ash Tree Publishing 1999
retails for $13.95
Order at www.wisewomanbookshop.com

Some cultures regard woman's puberty as taboo and something we should be ashamed of; not all. Steele profiles various cultures' ways of viewing womanhood, especially the Western one. Here, a woman is to look, act, think, and dress like a man. How did this come to be and who says so?

This book is about ending the silence and stigma that occurs concerning menstruation. Many women today still grow quiet when the subject comes up. Steele's book brings voice, an openness on the topic.

The book moves through four phases, just as a woman and their bodies do. The first phase is "Early Moons"...those first periods. The second phase is "Waxing Moons...Coming to Light." It moves from adolescence to adulthood; of feelings, dreams and consciousness. It also discusses the position our culture places women in as daughters, wives, mothers, sister, and patients dealing with sons, husbands, fathers, brothers, and doctors. The third phase is "Full Moon Celebrations." This section provides the differences in how mainstream cultures differs from "natural" or "normal." The forth phase is "Re-entering the Dark: Poetry and Prayer." Here, poetry emphasizes the power of being female, suggests menstruation is more than physical. The back of the book contains notes, a bibliography, and a listing of contributors, including their picture and Biography. There are 27 contributors in all.

As a woman reading Steele's book, I nodded often and said, "Hmm-hmm, yes, that's true" often. Steele removes the baggage and gets to the bare truth. I liked her book so much I shared it with my daughters; ages seventeen and twenty, as well as women friends and relatives. I've always wanted my daughters to be comfortable and proud of being female, to not view themselves as weak or less than men. Women and men are just different. One is not better than the other. We discussed being women, shared our thoughts, concerns, and dreams. Steele provided a springboard.

Readers will find themselves nodding in agreement, and recalling their first period and everything happening around it. Most will smile, some shed tears, but all will feel a kinship with other women. A book to be treasured and shared by females everywhere. Like having a conversation with a wise, strong and loving mother. Perfect for mothers and daughters, or as a gift. Empowering and passionate. Highly recommended.

To read more reviews by Christina Francine go to http://www.CFrancine.bizland.com

Moon Days edited by Cassie Premo Steele, Ph.D.bookcoverThe above story is an except from
Moon Days...
Creative Writings About Menstration

edited by Cassie Premo Steele, Ph.D
a great collection of women's writings on menstruation, edited by Cassie Preemo Steele, twenty-six writers explore the "silent" parts of women's lives; reawakening menstruation memories of embarrassment and shame and transforming them to wonder, excitement, and laughter. 176 pages, illustrations. .
available through Ash Tree Publishing http://www.wisewomanbookshop.com/

Price: $13.95
Order MOON DAYS in our Bookshop

read some excerpts...
Amazons in Appalachia
The Woman's Dinner

Weed Wanderings herbal ezine is sponsored by
and www.wisewomanbookshop.com

Susun Weed is one of America's best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health. Her four best-selling books--recommended by expert herbalists and well-known physicians--are used and cherished by millions of women globally. Topics include childbearing, breast health, menopause, wellbeing, and more.

The Wise Woman Center exists to re-weave the healing cloak of the Ancients. This land is sacred, it is a safe space for women, and a place for the teachings of the Wise Woman Way. The Goddess lives here, as do goats, fairies, green witches, and elders. There are many classes, workshops and intensives that are offered at the Wise Woman Center.
For a schedule of events, please call, write or e-mail us.

Susun Weed and The Wise Woman Center
PO Box 64 Woodstock NY 12498

©Susun Weed -Wise Woman Center
The content provided by Susun Weed and the Wise Woman Center is for information purposes only and is in no way intended to be a substitute for medical consultation with a qualified professional. We encourage Internet users to be careful when using medical information. If you are unsure about your medical condition, consult your own health practitioner. Although we carefully review our content, Susun Weed cannot guarantee nor take responsibility for the medical accuracy of documents published on this site, nor can Susun Weed assume any liability for the content of Web sites linked to and from our site.