(part 5)...the conclusion.
Justine: Well I know that you put out the information
about taking hormone replacement therapy years ago.

Susun: Eleven years ago.
Justine: Eleven years ago, and now the medical
establishment has--
Susun: Has proven--
Justine: Concurred with you.
Susun: Well, what--
Justine: Well, what have they concurred?
Susun: Actually it was I saw in the package information.
You know you have to have package information. Most people don’t
read it. It’s too small. But the package information already
15 years ago said it increases uterine cancer, increases breast
cancer and increases risk of stroke and heart disease.
Justine: Oh, it said that in the actual packet?
Susun: In the package information, yes.
Justine: The prescription that you got when
you opened it, it would say that.
That’s right, that’s right. But it was in such tiny
print. And of course it was very confused because so many doctors
were being told, “Well, we see in the nurses’ study
the women who took hormone replacement had fewer heart attacks”.
But Justine, I’ve you know, been here and I’ve noted
that the sun doesn’t come up here in Northern California
until the birds sing.
Justine: <laughs> Right they must bring
it up huh?
Susun: They must bring it. It must be the birds
Justine: Right.
Susun: So that’s always a problem when
we’re doing a retrospective study.
Justine: Of course.
Susun: So nourish and tonify. That’s those
nourishing herbal infusions. And those steps Zero, 1, 2 and 3
promote and build health every day of our lives. However, these
steps are usually not even thought of as steps of healing. Steps
4, 5, and 6: Stimulate and Sedate, Use Drugs, and Break and Enter,
are the steps that we usually think of as healing, but those steps
always injure health.
That’s confusing to me Susun. You say Six Steps of Healing
and then the last four--
Susun: Last three.
Justine: The last three--
Susun: 4, 5, and 6 injure health.
Justine: Injure health.
Susun: That’s right.
Justine: So, how--
Susun: But why would we use them then? Suppose
I have a woman who’s hemorrhaging to death while she’s
giving birth.
Justine: Yes.
Would it be worthwhile to tell her she should have drunk nettle
Justine: No. We need intervention at that point.
Susun: That’s right. Better to injure
her health a little than to have her die.
Justine: Yes. Right. OK.
Susun: Right.
Justine: So these are in extraordinary situations.
Susun: If only they were.
Justine: Oh.
Susun: Unfortunately, many people in our culture
stimulate and sedate themselves on a daily basis.
Justine: Oh, yes. Yes.
Susun: Right?
Yes, with coffee and then with--
Susun: Cayenne, TV as a sedative, alcohol.
Justine: Right. Yes.
Susun: Alright. And we do need to understand
that these things do injure our health. They may injure it slightly,
they may injure it grotesquely, but they are things that don’t
promote and build health.
Justine: Well let’s say a wine at dinner.
That might not be injurious. That in fact there are some studies
that say that that is beneficial.
Susun: It depends on what your relationship
to your fear of breast cancer is. For a woman, especially a woman
over the age of 45, every glass of wine is going to slightly increase
your risk of breast cancer. Now if you’re doing a lot of
other healthy things you say, “You know, it’s OK.
I don’t mind. I’ll take that slight increase in risk”.
Life is not risk free, and it’s terminal too, isn’t
Justine: Right. Yes. None of us get out of it
Susun: <laughing> You got it. OK.
Justine: Oh Susun, we could go on and on and
on here. I just love talking with you and I just want to encourage
our listeners to check out your website, check out your books:
New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way - Alternative Approaches
for Women 30-90; and also Healing Wise the 2nd Wise Woman Herbal.
That’s a wonderful book and it’s going to be chock
full of information. And then Breast Cancer? Breast Health! The
Wise Woman Way. That’s a wonderful book as well. So check
out all of these books. Check out her website: www.susunweed.com
There are so many things we didn’t discuss and that was
your school. What is it called?
The Wise
Woman Center.
Justine: The Wise Woman Center and so there
are all sorts of programs going on there. And so check that out,
give her a call. Please check her website.
Susun: And I teach all over the place and you
can find my schedule at that website.
Justine: That’s great. That’s great.
So, I thank you so much Susun for being with us and I wish everybody
good health.
Susun: And green blessings.
Justine: And green blessings.
New Dimensions is produced by New Dimensions Radio in San Francisco
California, USA, and is made possible by listener contributions
and by the membership support of Friends of New Dimensions. Executive
Producer and Director is Michael Toms. Managing Producer is Justine
Willis Toms.
................. My name is Justine Willis Toms. On the behalf
of the New Dimensions Radio staff and all those who are members
of Friends of New Dimensions, as well as members of our affiliate
stations, I’m wishing you well. This is program #2966.
Wise Woman Center -- Workshops
for Women
Join us this year for spirit healing and herbal
medicine workshops, intensives,
and apprenticeships with Susun Weed and other Wise
Woman teachers. The Wise Woman Center in Woodstock NY exists to re-weave
the healing cloak of the Ancients. This land, this sacred sanctuary for women
is a place for the teachings of the Wise Woman way. The Goddess lives here,
as do goats, fairies, green witches, and elders. Located between Woodstock
and Saugerties, 5 miles from the NYS Thruway, the Wise Woman Center is easily
accessible while private enough for nude swimming. You'll receive a map and
directions when you register. Nourishing wild-food vegetarian meals are included
with all workshops.
See the Calendar
of Events & Workshop schedule (and to register) for this year, click here.